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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 09/29/2014
        Town of Antrim -Board of Selectmen
                Meeting Minutes
                                        September 29, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Genest

Members Present: Staff present:
Mr. Genest, Mr. Webber, Mr. Robertson Galen Stearns (Town Administrator)

  • Mr. Webber motioned to approve the BOS minutes of September 15, 2014, Mr. Robertson 2nd . Passed 3/0
  • Mr. Bill Root from the NH Wood Energy Council presented his report to the selectmen on the potential to use wood pellet fired boilers in the Fire Station, Town Hall and the Highway garage.  The selectmen asked questions and discussed the cost impacts against using oil or propane furnaces.  Mr. Webber motioned to have an RFP sent out requesting proposals for oil or propane sytems, Mr. Robertson 2nd. Passed 3/0
  • Mr. Kenworthy from Antrim Wind Energy LLC, spoke to the board about the changes that are being proposed to the former application  that had been submitted to the SEC. He explained that they have carefully considered the SEC's ruling and had removed turbine 10 from their plans.  He stated that they have secured an additional 100 acres that will be put into conservation easement, and the Gregg Lake mitigation agreement.  He also stated that turbine 9 would be lowered by 40 - 50 feet to remove it from view at Willard Pond. There would probably be a change in the turbine manufacturer and the new turbines would be either
3.2 or 3.3 MW.  He expressed that A WE wi ll be going back to the SEC
in the next couple of months and will be asking for the boards support again.   Mr. Webber motioned to reaffirm the Antrim Board of Selectmen's support of the AWE project and the SEC taking jurisdiction over the site permitting process, Mr. Robertson 2nd. Passed 3/0

  • Mr. Steams presented the board with the final Memorial Gymnasium agreement between the Town and the ConVal School District.     Mr . Webber motioned approve the agreement, Mr. Robertson 2nd. Passed 3/0
  • Mr. Steams presented the board with a proposed franchise agreement from TDS for cable service in Antrim. Mr. Stearns explained that this is an agreement that Town Council has developed for other towns with TDS and has been tailored for Antrim. The consensus of the board was
that they would like TDS to attend the next meeting and give an update on the project and answer questions.

  • Mr. Steams presented a proposal to the board to purchase a snow blower and cab for the New Holland tractor to be used as a backup for sidewalk snow removal if needed . The board concurred that this would be good insurance to prevent the issued that occurred last winter with equipment failure.
  • Mr. Robertson motioned to go into Non-Public under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) Public Employee, Mr. Webber 2nd, roll call vote Mr. Webber - yes, Mr. Robertson- yes, Mr. Genest - yes.
  • The board returned from Non-public at 8:19 pm, Mr. Webber motioned to seal the minutes of the Non-public session, Mr. Robertson 2"d, passed 3/0
  • There being no further business, Mr. Webber motioned to adjourn, Mr.
Robertson 2"d. Passed 3/0. Meeting adjourned at 8:20PM